Before I start, some of you know me, and if you figure out who I am, please don't put my name on your comments or address my by my name. Thanks so much!!
I am here in my not natural form. Why? Because I have been forced by people, some of which don't matter, to give up my blogs that people can read that know me. Why? Because that certain someone in my life is afraid that some of these people will see what I have to say, and unlike a true adult, will get upset about what they see, that is truth. So I have been forced to go anonymous, which in turn may not be a bad thing. I will feel freer to share what I am feeling, feel braver to say the things that I have been afraid to say, feel more confidant that my certain someone wont be upset with me. Which, when it comes right to it. Hello everyone, life is life, people have feelings and thoughts, some people don't think before they talk, some people think too much before they talk, some people just plain don't talk. GROW UP!!! Realize that you are in a huge world, and in that world there are billions of other people, who in truth, don't give a rats tush about you. You have to care about you, and stop worrying what others are thinking and hating about you. You need to embrace yourself for who you are, not what others choose to see. When it comes right down to it, whether its you, me or anyone, no one knows another person 100% besides that person, and for anyone to assume that they know everything about a person, and judge them for who they think they are is just plain wrong. I know I don't like being wrong, so to avoid that wouldn't it be best to quit assuming that I know everything and everyone and start worrying about me. Isn't that a good idea??
Now that I have gotten that out of the way, here is a little bit about me. I love my family, and above all else they come first. I love my certain someone, they are the love of my life and no one has ever equaled that person and never will. I will never regret the day that we married!! I love my God, I am a christian, and I try to be a good christian, however I am not going to give into everyone elses idea of what my relationship should be. I have questions, and I have some answers, but I know that the only true way to the truth is through the word, not every other man's thoughts on the word, not some super tv evangelist who thinks that they are the end and end all of God. I can't stand the fire and brimstone preaching out there. Your not going to win me over by yelling at me, and acting as though if I don't agree with you, that Im going to Hell. Honestly that kind of thinking will lead you to hell a lot quicker then my not agreeing with you will. Of course that is just my opinion and Im not going to push it on you, and I ask for the same respect in return.
Im big on, if you want respect, you have to give it. Treat others how you want to be treated. In other words, don't bad mouth someone if you don't want to be bad mouthed. Don't not answer someone if you expect them to answer you. What comes around goes around and wouldn't it be nice if what came around was respect, peace and love? Yeah it would be a heck of a lot better then getting payment for a bad deed done. And I'm not just talking about things like murder, infidelity, stealing and such. In the bible murder and lying are sins, adultery and bitterness are sins. There are only two sins that don't equal other sins. These are greater and judged at a higher level. Do not take your Lords name in vain, and do not worship other idols. Also don't go around thinking that just because someone doesn't know what your doing that it isn't hurting anyone. Generational curses are sometimes far worse then being caught in a sin. I know if I was full of bitterness that it would be far harder to see my daughter being full of bitterness then it would be for me to be called out for my bitterness. Just the same as any sin. If I was someone who stole or did drugs, its far worse when you pass that sin on to your offspring then it is for you to be caught in it. For instance (yes another one) you men that think porn is a personal problem, remember there are little girls who will get the idea that they are ojects, and little boys who will share the same issues. Don't for one min. believe that your sin is secret, because once you are that far into the sin of sexual immorality you don't realize how written all over your face it is. Its wrong, and its your job to stop it! Don't make others suffer because you feel your too weak to over come it. Your not, if you truly believe you need to.
So with all of this said, why don't you do your part to love your neighbor and stop hating them. Help them with their groceries instead of yelling out the window for them to shut up when they honk to have one of their family members come out and help them. In the line at the grocery store let that older person in front of you, instead of grumbling because they are slow and holding you up. When your out in public and a wild child is getting on your nerves, instead of making angry faces at the mom who is at her wits end, try smiling at her, offering her a hand with her bag, or open the door for her. A little bit goes a long way and it starts with you, me, and who ever else is reading. Its not just going to happen, we have to make it happen. This world is bad enough without all of us who are generally good people acting badly!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
In the begining
Posted by mgtmommy at 10:30 AM
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